5 questions for the scientific director, Benoît Lamarche

NutriQuébec's Scientific Director, Benoît Lamarche, took part in the game and answered 5 questions we had for him.

1. Why is a project like NutriQuébec important for Quebecers?

Eating is a central part of our lives, on a daily basis! However, we know very little about the eating habits of Quebecers. It is therefore crucial to carry out this project to better understand the impact of nutrition on our health. Eventually, this will allow voicing better recommendations for the population. By participating in this important project, each person can make a difference in the advancement of science and knowledge!

2. Why did you decide to get involved as scientific director of NutriQuébec?

It is the project of a lifetime for a researcher! I have been doing research for 21 years, and this is the most important project of my career until now. It is truly a privilege to lead such a project with a spectacular team!

3. What place does nutrition take in your life?

Curiously, I am nor gourmet, nor gourmand! For me, the gesture of eating is quite down to earth: I eat to provide the energy necessary for my body. But, I do have my favourites, particularly pizza, lasagna and coffee!

4. According to you, what place should nutrition occupy in a healthy and balanced lifestyle?

It should be... balanced!  Unfortunately, eating has become for many people a source of stress. For others, healthy eating rimes with not eating anything at all. I hope the NutriQuébec project will contribute to better understanding the eating habits of Quebecers. Thereafter, we will be able to better support the population in the quest for balance and food serenity!

5. What accomplishments related to nutrition would you like to see in the next couple of years?

I would like for the NutriQuébec project to contribute to offering dietary recommendations better adapted to the Québec population, based on our own data and not the data from other countries where eating habits are very different than our own!